
How to Burn Videos to DVD with HitPaw Univd

Follow the steps to burn videos to DVD and Blu-ray in HitPaw Univd (HitPaw Video Converter). It supports 300+ video and provides rich templates to customize your DVD burning experience.


This tutorial will tell you how to burn DVD and blu-ray from videos in HitPaw Univd (HitPaw Video Converter).

Step 1: Choose DVD Burner Feature

Launch HitPaw Univd and choose DVD Burner feature on the home page.

hitpaw dvd burner feature

Step 2: Add Videos

Now, you can add or drag videos to HitPaw DVD Burner interface.

add files dvd-burn-video-add-successfully

Step 3: DVD Settings

On the Setting panel, you can set up DVD label (requires you insert a blank disc). Select a DVD menu.

select a dvd menu

Choose the desired aspect ratio. The 16:9 aspect ratio, also known as widescreen, is best for video because it is 78% wider than it is tall. Meanwhile, the 4:3 aspect ratio is better for photography, since it's only 33% wider than it is tall, and better for printing.

choose an aspect ratio

Select a TV standard (NTSC or PAL). NTSC is the video standard commonly used in North America and most of South America. And PAL is the video standard which is popular in most of the European and Asian countries.

choose a tv standard

Select a suitable DVD quality. The higher quality, the larger is the output DVD file.

choose dvd quality

Select a suitable DVD type. HitPaw Univd supports both DVD and blu rays. DVD-5 is a single-layer DVD that can hold up to 4.7GB of data (approximately 120-133 minutes of video, depending on compression). DVD-9 is a double-layer, single-sided DVD that can hold up to 8.5GB of data (approximately 240 minutes of video, depending on compression). While, a BD-25 is a single layer disc and can hold up to 25 GB of data or HD/SD video. A BD-50 is a dual layer disc and can hold up to 50 GB of data or Video. For a BD-25, this translates into approximately 4 hours of HD video or 11 hours of SD video.

choose dvd type

Step 4: Customize DVD Template & Menu

Switch to the Templates tab, you can select a preferred DVD template from the Templates drop-down menus.


After selecting an DVD template, you can customize DVD background, add background music, customize DVD title, etc.

customize dvd template

Step 5: Preview DVD Slideshow

Now, you can click play button to play DVD, or click the Scenes to preview DVD chapters.

preview DVD menu preview dvd chapters

Step 6: Burn MP4/AVI/MKV/MOV to DVD/ISO/Folder

Once you're satisfied with the DVD preview, back to the Settings tab, and select an output file type (DVD disc, DVD Folder or ISO File).

burn mp4 to dvd

Step 7: Start Burning Videos to DVD

Finally, click the Burn button to start burning the videos to DVD at fast speed.

burning dvd from videos

Step 8: Access to the Created DVD File

Once the burning process completes, you can play the DVD disc or DVD folder.

dvd folder burn successfully

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