Disney Princess Stories: Voice of Moana
Moana is a 2016 animated musical adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The film tells the story of Moana, the daughter of a Polynesian chief, who sets sail across the ocean to restore the heart of the goddess Te Fiti and save her island from a curse. Along the way, she meets the demigod Maui, who helps her in her quest. Moana is the 56th Disney animated feature film and the first to feature a Polynesian princess. She is also the first Disney princess to have no love interest in her story. She is brave, adventurous, compassionate, and determined to follow her dreams. She represents the culture and values of her people, as well as the spirit of exploration and discovery.
Voice of Moana: Things You Should Know
Voice actor for Moana
The Moana voice actress in the English version of the film is provided by Auli’i Cravalho, a Hawaiian actress and singer. She was only 14 years old when she auditioned for the role and was chosen among hundreds of other candidates. She made her acting debut in Moana and reprised her voice role in the short film Gone Fishing and the 2018 sequel Ralph Breaks the Internet. She also voiced Moana in the Hawaiian language version of the film, which was the first Disney film to be dubbed in Hawaiian. Cravalho has said that she relates to Moana’s character and her journey of self-discovery. She has also expressed her pride in being part of a film that celebrates Polynesian culture and showcases the beauty and diversity of the Pacific Islands.
FQAs About Voice of Moana
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the voice of Moana:
Q1. Who Sings for Moana in the Film?
Auli’i Cravalho sings for Moana in the film, except for the song “Know Who You Are”, which is a duet with the voice of Te Fiti, Olivia Foa’i. Foa’i is a New Zealand singer and songwriter who is part of the musical group Te Vaka, which composed and performed some of the film’s songs.
Q2. Who Voices Moana in other Languages?
Moana has been dubbed in over 40 languages, and each version has a different Moana voice actor. Some of the notable ones are Janella Salvador in Filipino, Cerise Calixte in French, Lina Larissa Strahl in German, Sara Paula Gómez Arias in Spanish, and Mattea Conforti in Italian.
Q3. How did Auli’i Cravalho get the Role of Moana?
A3. Auli’i Cravalho was discovered by a casting agent who saw a video of her singing at a charity event. She was invited to audition for the role of Moana and impressed the filmmakers with her voice, personality, and resemblance to the character. She was the last person to audition and was notified that she got the role on her 14th birthday.
Dozens of Anime Voice Effects more than Moana
If you are a fan of anime and want to sound like your favorite characters, you might be interested in HitPaw VoicePea, a software that provides dozens of anime voice effects more than Moana. HitPaw VoicePea is a simple and easy-to-use tool that allows you to change your voice in real-time or record it for later use. You can choose from a variety of voice effects, such as cute, cool, funny, scary, robot, and more. You can also adjust the pitch, speed, and volume of your voice to create your own unique sound. One of the best features of HitPaw VoicePea is its AI voice cloning technology, which can generate realistic and natural-sounding voices of your favorite characters or celebrities.
Features of HitPaw VoicePea
- Supports multiple input and output devices, such as microphone, speaker, headset, etc.
- User-friendly interface and a preview function that lets you hear your voice before applying the effect.
- Used for various purposes, such as gaming, chatting, prank calling, voice-over, etc.
- Compatible with Windows 7/8/10 and Mac OS X 10.9 or later.
How to use the Functions of HitPaw voice Changer?
Step 1: Configure Input & Output
Open "Settings" and choose the input and output devices you want to use from the drop-down menu.
No voice coming out? Here's how to fix it!
If you added other devices manually, refresh the list to see if they are detected.
If you still don't hear anything after picking a device, click "detect" to check the audio status.
The icons for microphone and speaker should be green if everything is working fine.
Step 2: Pick Voice and Sound Effects
Browse through the available effects and click on the ones you like to apply them.
If you have devices with Nvidia 4G or higher and AMD 6G or higher, you can use AI Voice Effects to change your voice in real time.
Step 3: Tweak Global Settings
Turn on the "Voice Changer" and "Hear myself" options and speak into your microphone to hear how your voice sounds. If there is too much background noise, you can click on the "speaker icon" to enable noise reduction.
Step 4: Fine-tune Voice Settings
Once you have chosen and previewed the sound affects you want, you can adjust the voice settings by hovering over the cartoon avatar.
Moana is a Disney film that features a Polynesian princess and her voice actor, Auli’i Cravalho, who is also from Hawaii. Moana has a strong connection to the ocean and feels a calling to explore beyond the reef. She learns that her ancestors were once great voyagers who traveled across the Pacific Ocean, but stopped due to a curse caused by the demigod Maui, who stole the heart of the goddess Te Fiti. Moana decides to embark on a daring mission to find Maui and restore the heart of Te Fiti, hoping to save her island from a spreading darkness and revive her people’s voyaging spirit. Along the way, she faces many challenges and discovers her true identity and destiny.
The film celebrates the culture and history of the Pacific Islands and has a message of courage, identity, and exploration. If you want to sound like voice of Moana or other anime characters, you can try HitPaw VoicePea, a software that offers dozens of anime voice effects more than Moana. HitPaw VoicePea is a fun and easy way to transform your voice and have a blast.
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Daniel Walker
My passion lies in bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and everyday creativity. With years of hands-on experience, I create content that not only informs but inspires our audience to embrace digital tools confidently.
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